Sex and chems

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As anyone knows, probably the most used sex chem is alcohol. People often go out drinking with the idea they might have some casual sex (and not only men think like that). But even if that's not the idea when they decide to party, the lowered inhibitions can result in sex situations that are later deeply regretted. Please see the main page on alcohol for more facts, as well as other alcohol pages which are linked in the sidebar.

Sometimes a chem can make you so relaxed or hyped up that sex is out of the question. But, let's face it, every mind chem affects your inhibitions. Occasionally you might get more inhibited, as when you get paranoid from too much crack or other stimulant. But much of the time, even with uppers, your guard goes down quite a bit. In fact, that's a big reason people use mind chems. They're tired of their inhibitions spoiling their fun in life.
Obviously inhibitions can be useful or not so good. The trouble is that both kind of inhibition are liable to drop when you're high, possibly putting you in a dangerous situation. You might have sex with someone who has a disease you can do without. You might be raped because you are too drugged to resist. In fact, date rape drugs go back at least a century. In old movies, people are rendered unconscious at a bar after being slipped a "Mickey Finn" (named for a bartender who used knockout drops to rob customers).

When at a party or out on the town, it's a good idea not to let your drink out of your sight.

Ecstasy, or MDMA, is often used as a party chem. It's like a combo of meth and the hallucinogen mescaline. It sometimes goes by the handles Molly, Adam or X.

Back when, these feel-good pills were used to help patients overcome crippling anxiety and depression.

The stimulant jolts the system into a higher state of alertness and the hallucinogen compels the patient to see his or her problems differently. The chem works because it temporarily knocks out the shadow of depression that never lets the victim get off the ground.
People liked it because inhibitions dropped, intimacy went up and the speedy effect gave them staying power. Some users had a big boost in their sex lives -- for better or for worse.

But enough people began showing up at hospitals and drug abuse centers to cause government to crack down on its use.

As with other stimulants, health effects include:

Short-term. Lowered inhibitions, increased heart rate and blood pressure, muscle tension, nausea, faintness, chills or sweating, spike in body temperature leading to kidney failure or death. Long-term. Long-lasting confusion, depression, problems with attention, memory, and sleep; increased anxiety, impulsiveness; less interest in sex.

With effects like those, we don't need to split hairs over whether or not X is addictive.

As one of the benzos, Rohypnol, or roofies, is a particularly strong sedative that is now outlawed in the United States. Sometimes the drug, under the brand Flunitrazepam, is smuggled acrosss U.S. borders. These crushed-up pills dissolve in a drink rather easily.

Some effects:
Drowsiness, sedation, sleep
Amnesia, blackout
Decreased anxiety
Muscle relaxation
Poor reflexes and coordination
Slurred speech
Slowed breathing and heart rate
Also possible are aggression and excitability

Withdrawal symptoms can be really bad: Hallucinations, delirium, convulsions, seizures or shock.

As with other downers, mixing in alcohol or other depressants compounds the risk of a possibly fatal overdose.
Cyndi: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

GHB is a depressant used to treat people given to sudden, unwanted spells of daytime sleep.

People with that disorder, known as narcolepsy, are prescribed GHB under the brand Xyrem.

GHB -- and some chemically similar drugs -- are used both as sex enhancers and date rape chems. Typically the stuff comes as a clear liquid or white powder or sometimes in pill form.

Dangers of GHB use are pretty much the same as those for Rohypnol (above) and for most "recreational" downers. If someone slips GHB into your alcoholic beverage, they may not get to rape you before your heart-lung system goes kaput and you die.
Ketamine is used as a sedative for animals and sometimes for humans. It comes as a powder or a clear liquid that’s not noticeable in an alcoholic drink. As a dissociative drug, ketamine can make you feel like you’re in a dream and may cause you to lose muscle function and consciousness.

“Special K” trippers say the chem's effect lasts between 30 minutes and a few hours, which they prefer to the longer-lasting effects of LSD and other trippy chems.

A person under the influence of ketamine may find it impossible to ward off unwanted sexual interaction. Some of the states of mind reported include:
K-land. Wow, baby, dig all the colors.
K-hole. Did I die and come out of my body?
Baby food. Oh I just wanna cuddle here in Mommy's arms.
God. It's the Force Upstairs! Right here!
Unfun possible aftereffects include agitation, depression, confusion, unconsciousness and amnesia.

Overdose symptoms follow the pattern of other sex and date rape drugs. Fatalities occur.

Knockout drops
The chem used in the Mickey Finn knockout drops of old movies is still used to sedate people before surgery.

As with other nervous system depressants, chloral hydrate (Noctec), can bring on a dangerous overdose. See the sections above for risks and symptoms of overdose.
The author of The Funny Stuff Funnies takes sole responsibility for the content of this e-booklet. This booklet has not been sponsored, either directly or indirectly, by any government or non-government organization or fellowship, such as AA or NA.
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